Wednesday 23 November 2016

Education, psychology and philosop

Education, psychology and philosophy
By the end of this lecture you shall learn
1. Relationship between education, psychology and philosophy
2. Differences between philosophy and psychology
3. Roles each has played in the society
4. History of psychology
5. Branches of psychology and philosophy
6. War against psychology and education

What is Education, psychology and philosophy
Education: Education is the way and manner in which knowledge is transfer from a mature or experience person to an immature or inexperience person. Generally, it is the process in which learning occur
Psychology: psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process. Generally, it involve the process of mind and behavior.
Philosophy: philosophy is the love of wisdom. Generally, it involve wisdom.

Relationship between education, psychology and philosophy
For learning to occur (Education), the mind and brain (psychology) has to work together in turn producing wisdom (philosophy)
Mathematically, learning is directly proportional to the mind which is directly proportional to wisdom
The process can be reverse making psychology to be the bridge I.e. wisdom is directly proportional to the mind which is directly proportional to learning
Therefore, psychology is the bridge between learning (Education) and Wisdom(philosophy)

Differences between philosophy and psychology
1. Philosophy comprehend the existence of human life while
Psychology tends to understand human behaviour
2. Philosophy is divided into study of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and logic while
Psychology deals with human and mind and behavior which is divided into academic psychology and applied psychology
3. Philosophy uses life after death and supreme to answer issue relating to life while
Psychology uses scientific method to understand the human life
4. Philosophy major career as teacher or researchers while
Psychology can work in many areas such as clinical psychology and counselling psychology

Roles each has played in the society
Education, psychology and philosophy has helped in the development of growth of individuals I.e.
a. Education for learning
b. Psychology for the improvement of the mind
c. Philosophy for background experience ( wisdom)

Brief History of psychology
Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental process. The history deal back to ancient greek. It was a branch of philosophy until 1870s. The study began in 1879 when Wilhelm Wundth founded the first laboratory dedicated exclusively to psychological research in Leipzig, Germany. Others who contributed to psychology include
1. Hermann Ebbinghous (study in the field of memory)
2. William James (pragmatism ) and
3. Ivan Pavlov (classical conditioning)
Aferter the development of experimental psychology, other kind of psychology appeared
4. G. Stanley Hall (scientific pedagogy) in 1880s
5. John Dewey (Educational theory) in 1890s
6. Hugo Munsterberg (psychology of industry, law, and other field)
7. Lighter Witmer (built the First psychological clinic) in 1890s
8. James McKeen Catell (anthropometric method to generate the first program  of mental testing) in 1890s
9. Sigmund Frued (the study of the mind called psychoanalysis)
The 20th century began the rise of cognitive science, an approach to study the human mind. Tools such as evolution, psychology, linguistic, computer science, philosophy, behaviorism and neurobiology was used in the study of cognitive development.

For more stories click on the link
History of psychology from wikipedia

Branches of psychology
1. Clinical psychology: Deals with the way and manner clinical psychologist concentrate on emotion, intellual, social, psychological and behavioial aspects of human life (disability) and promote the patient well being and personal development
2. Cognitive psychology: Deals with the way people learn, communicate, think, perceive and remember (Reasoning)
3. Developmental psychology: Deals with the study of the human life span I.e. from birth to death
4. Evolutionary psychology: Deals with how human has been affected by psychological adjustment during evolution.
5. Forensic Psychology: Deals with applying psychology to Criminal Investigation and law
6. Health psychology: Deals with how psychology influence illness and health. Also knows as Medical psychology.
7. Neuropsychology: Deals with the study of the brain
8. Occupational psychology: Deals with the performance of people at work and in training or how people he have at work
Social Psychology: Deals with how people behave, think, feel and interact with each other in the society.

Branches of philosophy
1. Axiology: the study of value which is divided into
          a. Ethic: study of value in human behavior or simply put as the study of moral
          b. Aesthetic: study of value in art or standard beauty

2. Epistemology: the study of knowledge

3. Metaphysics or Ontology: the study of what is real

4. Logic: study of reasoning

War against psychology and Education
Education help in the learning process of individual but psychology has proven to be the backbone to which education lays its foundation. Here is the war psychology has with education or the way psychology has help education.
1. Psychology give education the theory of individual differences that every child has different mental ability and learn with different pace
2. Education psychology is the foundation of education
3. Psychologist suggest use of different method in teaching learning process to achieve better result
4. Psychologist emphasis on motivation and readiness in classroom
5. Psychologist introduce new theories of learning in education
6. Psychologist suggests use of visual and teaching learning process
7. Educational psychology deals with educational problem
8. General psychologist deals with different problem other than education
In general, psychologist is the study of human behavior while education is the process of modifying human behavior I.e education is the applied aspect of psychological theories.

Udoh Unyime

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