Monday 13 November 2017

More on Unity Assets and Game Object - Android Game Development

To add water
Water is a game asset which can be used to beautify your game environment. You can also add physics computer such as collider to water. The unity pro users comes with an advance water type which has a reflection. To add water (basic) to a terrain
1.      Click on the asset from the tool bar
2.      Click on import package
3.      Click on standard assets from the assets folder
4.      Click on water folder
5.      Drag the water to the terrain

To add Tress
Tress is game assets which can add beauty to your 3D game environment. You can also add physics component such as capsule collider to a tree.
1.      Click on the asset from the tool bar
2.      Click on import package
3.      Click on tree creator
4.      Click on import
5.      Click on terrain
6.      From the inspector view, click on the tree button
7.      Click on edit tree
8.      Click on add tree
9.      Click on the circle object in the none (Game Object)
10.  Select your desire tree
11.  Click add
12.  Select the tree from the inspector view
13.  Click on the area of the terrain
14.  Increase the brush size and click on the area of the terrain you want the tree
15.  To remove a tree, click shift + double click the tree in the terrain

To add Camera
A camera is a game object which can be parented, instantiated, or scripted. Just like every other game object, components such as rigid body or physics can be added to the camera. You can decide to add more than one camera to a game scene. Cameras are the eyes of the player. They control what the player sees and how they see it. To allow focus on the camera, click on the camera from the hierarchy view. The rectangles that occur when you click on the camera represent the view field of the camera. Camera can be position, scale and rotated using the transform tools from the tool bar. To create a camera
1.      Click on game object
2.      Click create other
3.      Click camera
4.      Position your camera in the desirable position
When you play the game, notice that everywhere is a little bit dark. To add some brightness, we use directional light

Adding directional light
A light is a game object that is used to illuminate the game scene. They add atmosphere and ambiance to your game. Unity has four types of light namely directional light, spot light, point light and area light. Each of these lights can be used to achieve desirable purpose. The directional light for instance is applied for outdoor situations like the sun or moon. Lights define the color and mood of your 3D environment. Directional light can be position, scale and rotated using the transform tools from the tool bar. When you move or rotate a directional light, the shadow of your game object changes as well. You can increase the intensity of the light to make it brighter. You can also choose a color for the directional light. To add a directional light to your game scene
1.      Click on game object
2.      Click create other
3.      Click directional light
4.      Position your directional light

Adding sky boxes
Sky boxes represent sky in a 3D environment. The various sky material include dawn dusk, Eerie, moonshine, overcast 1, overcast 2, starring night, sunny 1, sunny 2, sunny 3. There are two possible ways to add a skybox, either to a terrain or a camera. The following procedure explain how to add a sky box to a terrain
1.      Click on asset from the tool bar
2.      Click on import packages
3.      Click on skyboxes
4.      Click on import
5.      Click edit
6.      Click on rendering setting
7.      Click on the circle item in sky box material
8.      Select your desirable skybox by double clicking

Adding a sky box to the camera (skip to number 5 if you have imported sky box assets before)
1.      Click on asset from the tool bar
2.      Click on import packages
3.      Click on skyboxes
4.      Click on import
5.      Click on the camera from the hierarchy view
6.      Click on component from the tool bar
7.      Click on rendering
8.      Click on sky box
9.      Click on the circle object called custom skybox from the inspector view
10.  Select your desire sky by double clicking

Adding First person character controller
The camera in a first person character controller follows it around. There are two types of character controller namely; a third person controller and a first person controller. From the inspector view, a default properties of the first person character controller contains a c# mouse look script, a character motor JavaScript and an fps input controller JavaScript. The character motor script controls the movement of the character. You can change the forward speed, backward speed, jumping etc from the character motor script. To add a character controller   
1.      Click on assets from the tool bar
2.      Click on import package
3.      Click on the character controller
4.      Click on import
5.      Drag character controller to your terrain

Adding Script
Scripts are what kills and make game. To add a script, first create a folder known as scripts. In the standard assets folder, open the folder
1.      Right click on the folder
2.      Click create
3.      Choose your script type e.g. C#

In general, you can use both the asset and game object to beautify or add effect to your 3D environment. For instance the Wind Zone game object can be used to add wind to your environment. This makes the tree to respond to the direction of the wind by shaking its leaves and branches. You can choose to buy or download asset from the asset store. The asset store can be found on window----> asset store or alternatively, you can press Ctrl + 9 to access the asset store. A script is what makes and kills your game. Using scripts, you can make game objects behave differently. 

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